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2018 midterms begin with first primary in Texas


2018 midterms begin with first primary in Texas

Screen Shot 2018-03-05 at 22.42.22
Screen Shot 2018-03-05 at 22.42.22
Photo: Eric Gay

Today, Texas will hold the first primary of 2018, a precursor to the upcoming midterm elections in November.

Ever since Trump’s election in 2016, Democrats have looked towards these elections as a chance to retake congress and end Republican one-party control. Recently, many have been quick to claim that Texas is shifting to the centre. Encouraged, Democrats are contesting elections in all 36 of Texas’ districts for the first time in 25 years.

Despite this, a large majority of seats will still fall soundly to the right. Ted Cruz, a senator and staunch conservative up for re-election, will almost certainly be voted back into office. Additionally, it is unlikely that Democrats will be able to unseat incumbent governor Greg Abbott.

Instead, it is the smaller seats in districts which encompass large urban areas that the left really has a shot at winning. Turning these areas blue will rely on a large voter turnout, which although perpetually low in Texas, has so far almost doubled since the last midterm in 2014.

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