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Armenian Prime Minister to visit Belgium


Armenian Prime Minister to visit Belgium

pashinyan belgium visit
Photo: Reuters

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan will conclude today his trip to France and Belgium.

Pashinyan will meet with the President of the European Council Charles Michel and Belgian Prime Minister Alexander Croo today to discuss Armenia’s relations with the EU. The leaders will also discuss regional developments, with Pashinyan’s diplomatic visit materializing following heightened tensions on the Azerbaijan-Armenia border. Pashinyan will seek to raise awareness on the ongoing standoffs and call for the return of Armenian POW’s in line with the EU Parliament’s recent resolution demanding the unconditional release of captives.

The EU will offer support and expertise on proper border demarcation in the short-term, with little success. Azerbaijan has previously refused to negotiate on border disputes via the OSCE Minsk group, which is an indication that the border problems will not be solved soon. Although the Southern Gas Corridor helps diversify EU reliance on Russian natural gas, several EU nations such as France may be indifferent due to a pro-Armenian stance. The EU will continue to provide financial assistance to Yerevan within the framework of the European Neighborhood Policy (ENP), so long as Yerevan continues its pro-European reform policies despite opening up to higher levels of Russian influence.

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