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Boris Johnson has called for a re-vote in the UK parliament to hold an early election


Boris Johnson has called for a re-vote in the UK parliament to hold an early election

boris johnson parliament
Photo: AP

The UK’s parliament will hold another vote on whether to hold an early election today.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson lost a similar vote last Wednesday, falling well short of the two-thirds majority required of the 650-seat lower house to call an early election. A similar outcome should be expected today.

With a law that would require Mr Johnson to seek a Brexit extension by October 19 if no deal can be agreed with the EU—essentially preventing a no-deal Brexit—set to be approved by the Queen this week, the PM is hoping to hold an election on October 15. Under that scenario, Mr Johnson is hoping his Conservative Party would win the majority required to repeal the law and move ahead with a no-deal Brexit on October 31.

However, opposition parties have refused to back a new election unless another short-term extension to Brexit can be agreed. An extension is unpalatable for Mr Johnson, who has staked his premiership on leaving the EU by October 31.

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That leaves the PM with few good options, ranging from filing a motion of no confidence in his own government to try to dissolve parliament—but risking handing power to Labour—disobeying the law or resigning.

Regardless, another Brexit extension, probably to January 31 next year, appears the likeliest outcome for now.

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