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Despite ‘intransigence’ Brexit negotiations due to resume in Brussels on Thursday


Despite ‘intransigence’ Brexit negotiations due to resume in Brussels on Thursday

Brexit talks august
Brexit talks august
Photo: Reuters/Hannah Mckay

The United Kingdom and the European Union are set to resume Brexit talks today in Brussels. The negotiations come after UK International Trade Secretary Liam Fox controversially asserted that no deal would be reached due to EU “intransigence” on August 5.

UK Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt has spent the past month travelling throughout the EU to promote Prime Minister Theresa May’s Chequers proposal, reflecting limited support from EU members.

The proposal expresses a desire to remain in a free trade union with the EU, however, the EU’s Chief Negotiator, Michael Barnier, said that this may not be in the EU’s best interests. If the Chequers Proposal were to succeed, a single economic zone would continue to exist yet British companies would not be subject to EU rules, potentially affording them a competitive advantage.

Such reservations gave rise to Fox’s allegation of intransigence, the trade chief citing a “60-40%” chance of the proposal failing. Given the rigidity of both parties’ positions on the Brexit deal and their reluctance to make concessions, further stagnation in negotiations is likely.

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Photo: Alexi Rosenfeld/Getty Images

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