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EU delegates push for tighter integration at Munich Security Conference


EU delegates push for tighter integration at Munich Security Conference

Photo: Reuters/K. Pempel

Today, defence and security heavyweights will descend on Bavaria for the Munich Security Conference. Germany’s most significant foreign policy gathering brings together heads of state, business leaders and foreign ministers.

Driven by France and Germany, a push is on for a more integrated approach to EU defence. At the core of efforts is the Permanent Structured Cooperation on Security and Defence. The uniquely European pact aims to pool military resources and open the way for collective action in Europe’s immediate neighbourhood, independent of NATO.

Concerns over Russia’s involvement in the Ukraine conflict have made implementing the pact a priority. A key feature of the agreement is the removal of legal hurdles allowing for the rapid mobilisation of military equipment between nations.

Expect speakers to push for the implementation of a joint European defence fund. While a start-up budget of $621 million has been proposed, it remains to be seen how many countries will be included in the pact and how to fund the proposal.

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