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IAEA delegation to supervise Fukushima water release


IAEA delegation to supervise Fukushima water release

Photo: Kyodo

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will travel to Japan today. There, IAEA will supervise work related to the release of contaminated water into the ocean from the now decommissioned Fukushima powerplant. The Japanese government called the agency to assist them in monitoring the safety of the water release, which is scheduled to begin in 2023. 

Despite vocal opposition from the Chinese and South Korean governments as well as the local fishing industry, experts maintain that the treatment of the contaminated water will successfully reduce all isotopes to a minimal level except for tritium—which is harmless in small amounts. The Japanese government believes the ocean release is the safest option for emptying the tanks of contaminated water.

Since the 2011 Fukushima meltdown, there is strong domestic opposition to Japanese nuclear power. Despite this, Japan lacks fuel reserves and relies heavily on imports for its energy production. With the global trend towards a more sustainable future, Japan may have to reconsider its outlook on nuclear power as a necessary alternative energy solution. Furthermore, the move to release the contaminated water will further dampen Japan’s relationship with South Korea, which has deteriorated in recent years over historical, territorial, and trade disputes.

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