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Italy’s Salvini continues push for right-wing European political bloc after AfD buy-in


Italy’s Salvini continues push for right-wing European political bloc after AfD buy-in

salvini rally right wing parties europe
salvini rally right wing parties europe
Photo: Matteo Bazzi/ANSA via AP

Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini will hold a rally of likeminded nationalist European political parties in Milan today as he seeks to form the first such bloc ahead of European elections on May 23rd.

Mr Salvini launched a campaign earlier this month to join forces with Europe’s other nationalist parties, but he has found it difficult to attract support from key Central European ruling parties, such as Hungary’s Fidesz, Poland’s PiS and Austria’s Freedom Party.

While Salvini has gained the official support of the German AfD and France’s National Rally, they do not have the same representation as either PiS or Fidesz domestically or at the European level. Additionally, the Freedom and PiS parties are likely to remain uneasy about differing views on Russia and the allocations of spending in the upcoming EU budget.

That such issues have already arisen should be of concern to current and prospective parties. Though both the National Rally and AfD have growing support domestically, Salvini’s block is unlikely to make a lasting impact unless it can garner the support of Central Europe’s biggest right-wing players.

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