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President Trump to mull 2018 Republican legislative agenda


President Trump to mull 2018 Republican legislative agenda

Photo: White House/Shealah Craighead

Today, President Trump will fly to Camp David to plan the new year’s legislative agenda with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan.

With Republicans having failed to repeal Obamacare, the recently passed tax reform bill provided the party with a much-needed legislative victory after a year in power. The new law lowers the maximum corporate tax from 35% to 21%, while increasing standard deductions.

Now, Republicans must decide on what next to pursue. Mr Ryan already seems to be pushing cuts to welfare spending, though President Trump has promised not to cut said programs and Mr McConnell is concerned about voter backlash during 2018 midterms this fall.

With such different priorities, it is hard to say what will be the final outcome of this weekend’s meeting. Regardless, expect Republicans to attempt to get as much done as possible before November, when Democrats will get their chance to take back both the House and Senate.

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Photo: Hossein Beris/AFP

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