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Trump-Kim summit preparation underway as Singapore prepares for high-stakes meeting


Trump-Kim summit preparation underway as Singapore prepares for high-stakes meeting

Photo: Reuters/Leah Millis

Singapore has begun sealing off parts of its city centre in preparation for the June 12 summit between US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

The high-stakes summit on the future of Pyongyang’s nuclear program appears set to be unpredictable, with Trump admitting being focused on countering Kim’s ‘attitude.’ This approach, and the US’ unilateral demand for denuclearisation risks undermining the initial détente with the North.

The lack of details about both the summit’s agenda and the US position on offering aid and other development assistance to the impoverished North, remain a concern. Additionally, there have been few details about what the proposed ‘denuclearisation for security guarantees’ from the US would look like.

With the involvement of two of the world’s most volatile leaders, the initial prospects of the meeting may either advance the goodwill between the two or see a return to the previous state of volatile relations. However, with the North’s recent commitment to denuclearisation and the US willing to ease sanctions in return for compliance, the world will hope for compromise between the two leaders

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