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UK PM to update parliament on status of Brexit renegotiation talks


UK PM to update parliament on status of Brexit renegotiation talks

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Photo: Reuters

Prime Minister Theresa May is expected to update parliament on her progress in renegotiating her Brexit deal with the EU today, particularly as it relates to the Irish backstop.

Ms May’s announcement is expected to be vague and unlikely to appease anyone. In fact, May’s recent actions have made it far likelier that lawmakers will support a motion tomorrow from the opposition Labour Party to give greater control of Brexit to parliament.

The motion would require the PM to declare to parliament by mid-March her intention for a no-deal Brexit if an amended deal has not been agreed upon. Parliament would then vote on a no-deal Brexit—likely rejecting it—which would then require May to negotiate an extension of the exit date with the EU.

While such an outcome will make a no-deal Brexit unlikely, it may also boost May’s chances of getting her current deal approved. Brexiteers of her party fear an extension could see Brexit pushed back indefinitely, which may be enough to sway them to support May’s deal. Regardless, even with Brexit only a month away, the final outcome remains as unclear as ever.

See Also
John Kirby, the National Security Council spokesman, gave a briefing at the White House on Friday. Photo: Evan Vucci/Associated Press

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