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US Democratic Convention to begin


US Democratic Convention to begin

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Photo: REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst/File Photo

With a pandemic-stricken US steadily approaching its November elections, the all-online Democratic National Convention (DNC) begins today.

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and running mate Kamala Harris will attempt to put forth their vision for the modern Democratic Party, hoping to sway swing voters and moderates displeased with incumbent Donald Trump; their platform promotes healthcare for all, stricter environmental regulations and increased taxes on wealthier income brackets. The Trump campaign has retorted by classifying the 2020 Democratic campaign as one of the most ideologically extreme ever.

The DNC will have to overcome the wide-ranging barriers imposed by COVID-19 in order to be effective come November. However, the biggest hurdle to electoral success could be posed by mail-in ballot delivery; while Postmaster General and staunch Republican Louis DeJoy claims to be increasing postal efficiency, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have criticised massive cuts to worker pay and processing ability under the guise of budget balancing.

As Trump continues to push the narrative that mail-in voting is conducive to widespread fraud, Democrats have urged a $25 billion stimulus for the postal service to combat perceived voter suppression. Postal services are already experiencing backups and delays in several battleground states, and the prospects for a free and fair November election are looking increasingly questionable. Given the recent spate of protests across the nation, a reignition of political demonstration could be on the horizon.

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John Kirby, the National Security Council spokesman, gave a briefing at the White House on Friday. Photo: Evan Vucci/Associated Press

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