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US Deputy Secretary of State to Visit Pakistan


US Deputy Secretary of State to Visit Pakistan

Photo: Daily Advent

US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman is arriving in Pakistan today to discuss regional issues with a likely focus on Afghanistan.

Sherman’s visit comes after a visit to India yesterday where she discussed business and civil society matters. Additionally, Sherman also met with officials from Russia and Uzbekistan on this trip.Sherman’s trip follows CIA Director Will Burns’ visit to Islamabad on September 9 where he discussed the situation in Afghanistan just a week after the US withdrawal.

In the period following the withdrawal, the US continues to keep track of developments in Afghanistan and Pakistan’s role in the nation. On September 23, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken spoke with Pakistan’s Foreign Minister and thanked him for Pakistan’s help in Afghanistan.

Given Pakistan’s tentative support for the Taliban, Blinken’s comments on Afghanistan were surprising. Despite this, the US will likely continue to partner with Pakistan no other US ally in the region is powerful enough to act as a stabilizing force, and the US does not want to be pulled into further violence.

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